A collection of my BJD stories and project adventures

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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Late November & December Updates

A run down of updates from late November and December. 

✩ Folklore returned from getting a face-up with AngelToast! ◦°˚\(*❛‿❛)/˚°◦

✩ I found on the secondhand market the Kogumaza set by Wimkut/FoxyBrowny in SD size.
  It's one of my absolute favorite sets by Wimkut and I'm so happy Folklore can wear it again~

✩ Also I caught Wimkut's holiday sale and grabbed a few things for my Minifees and SDs. 
  One of them being another dress that Folklore use to wear.
Thursday, December 14, 2017


Before I forget here's today photo session with Folklore wearing a new dress from Kalcia's Workshop. I ordered this dress over a month ago and it finally arrived just before Christmas~ Folklore has been getting majorly spoiled, but I'm happy to have a few new things for her to wear and to work for her more whimsical style. Next year my goal is to slowly gather her some tomboyish and causal pieces since that's mainly what she wears to class as well as traveling to and from a secret magical realm.

Character & Backstory Changes

Forgive me for neglecting this blog! I've been meaning to post some photos I've taken since Rune and Folklore have both arrived back from getting face ups. I tend to update my Instagram a lot more since it's so quick, but I will be sharing some photos and trying to be better about posting to this blog.

Since I’ve had a little downtime to enjoy my dolls a bit more and think about them, I’ve been wondering how their backstories might begin to take shape since I’ve made some changes to my group. Some dolls have moved onto new homes and some re-shelled. Since taking the leap to upgrade Folklore to a larger scale I knew that it might change my story involving her with Fable and Rune. But that story was missing a lot pieces that I couldn’t seem to fit together. I wanted to have these college students juggling adulthood and discovering their magical abilities. I also wanted this greater and more powerful presence looming over them in the background. But for whatever reason I struggled to connect everything together...

Saturday, October 7, 2017


Quick update to share Rune's face up photos that I received from AngelToast yesterday evening! I love the little heart shape on her lips~ I'm loving how feminine and mature she looks now. I'm excited for her return home and to see her along side Fable. 

(Photos by AngelToast Aesthetics)

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

September Updates

Folklore has returned home! Ironically she arrived the same day I shipped off her previous Minifee shell to a new home. Also both versions of Folklore were ordered in June and arrived in September. I'm not much of a believer in things or in anyone, but perhaps it's fate? Whatever it is, Folklore is clearly meant to be~ I'm so happy that I was able to upgrade her to a Feeple60! She'll be going off to visit Angel Toast for a face up in a few weeks.

Speaking of face-ups in other news I sent Rune off for a face-up with Angel Toast earlier this month and I'm excited to see her work her magic! Her previous face-up was adorable and I love Nomyen's work. I didn't mind her with it but I was ready to make her more like the character I envisioned. Also I finally ordered her a pair of eyes and decided to get Fable some as well. I'm hoping both pairs suit the twins.

I'm looking forward to having my group all together and in a place where I can enjoy them more. It was bittersweet to sell a few of my girls and go through the process of re-shelling Rune and Folklore, but I'm happy I did. 
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

BJD Updates | July 2017

Hello there, long time no post! I'm not sure if anyone is still following my little blog, but I'm not dead or anything haha. I ended up taking a break and found myself rather busy doing some local art fairs and Comic Con. It was pretty fun and overall I had a great experience for doing my first art tables. I was actually very surprised how well my work went over with people. So I'm going to try to do them more often when I can.

Anyway, doll updates cause that's what you're mainly here for~ 

Recently as some of you are aware I've been selling off some dolls, clothing and whatnot to organize my collection. Some people were surprised but after a long time of struggling creatively with my character Myth (Minifee Chloe/Vampire Elf) I felt it was best to move her own on. It's bittersweet but I'm happy she's found a new home with someone who's getting their grail doll. That alone makes me super happy and I trust she will be well loved.

I also made the decision to re-shell one of my favorite dolls, Folklore. She too went up for sale and will be going to her new home soon. There are still a few things I have listed on Den of Angels and Instagram. I also decided to put my Azone Koron doll for sale since I sadly don't do enough for her or buy her much at all. So I hope she gets adopted soon as well~

So with all of that out of the way...

I'm excited to announce that I’ve officially placed my order for a F60 Celine in tan skin! I ordered her through DDE on layaway since I’ve always had a great experience with them. Folklore is taking me on yet another creative journey~ And without a doubt she was the big game changer for me creatively next to Yokai. 

I adored her in her small form with all my heart, but since the F60 Celine released I’ve always ignored my thoughts of turning her into an SD. Already I feel excited for when she returns and I have good feelings about it~ Also I pre-ordered her these gorgeous OscarDoll eyes. I couldn't resist them as I felt they screamed Folklore.

If anyone is still out there following this, thanks for sticking around! I can't promise anything, but I'll try to update this blog more often if I have anything to share.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Quick updates & 2017 Goals

At last I'm able to sit down and write something for this blog! I had planned on posting some updates and goals for 2017 last month, but things got quite busy~ But there is no race in this hobby and it's for me to enjoy when I can, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyway, I'll start with a few updates that I'm pretty excited about. Last weekend I was able to discuss with someone about doing a custom commission for Yokai. I'm pretty thrilled because it's been frustrating to find clothes that fit her properly or in the style I'm looking for.  Anyway, at some point I do want to try making something for her myself but my hands have been too full lately and I already have plenty of doll projects to finish! *coughs...giant fox* 😅

I'm also in the process of slowly revamping Myth's look and character who I've neglected for a long time. I've been writing down notes and brainstorming possible ideas to give her more depth which is pretty fun and exciting. It's only fair to her since Fable and now Rune have developed a lot since last year compared to her. Probably when it gets a bit warmer out I may tackle doing her face up. But I'll probably do some practice sessions first and see how that works out.

Moving on...here are a few hobby goals I have for 2017.
- Finish Folklore's felted fox
- Make more alpaca wigs
- Practice sewing
- Practice face ups
- Paint tattoos again (because I enjoy that more then face-ups oddly)
- Redo some of my girl's manicures

I'm also waiting on a few little things, but it will probably take a while before I get them. You know how doll mail goes lol! That's pretty much it for now~ Hopefully I'll get to some of these things on my list (maybe all of them). But a lot depends on my work schedule right now, so we shall see! If anything my major goal is to finish Rowan this year!

I'll leave you with a quick shot of the new girl who stole Myth's eyes (poor Myth lol).
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A Special Arrival

Last month I was approached by Komorebi if I might be interested in doing a trade. Some of my illustrations in exchange for her Supiadoll Rosy. I was completely shocked and asked her was she absolutely sure. She was. So I set aside some artwork for her and decided I also wanted to create her an original illustration unique to her (even though she didn't ask). So I'm still quite busy working away on that and aiming to finish soon! I'm beyond grateful for her kindness and generosity she's always shown me. I've been pretty adamant about not adding more resin since nearly all my time, energy, and finances are going into my art. So I'm deeply humbled and grateful to this extremely generous trade and gift. ❤️  So thank you from the bottom of my heart! I have no idea what I'll do with her yet, but I hope to make her something special. 💖

(PS - I'd like to make a general updates post soon. Hopefully over the weekend or sometime next week when I can properly gather all of my thoughts on my dolls and the hobby for 2017.)

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