A collection of my BJD stories and project adventures

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

BJD Updates | July 2017

Hello there, long time no post! I'm not sure if anyone is still following my little blog, but I'm not dead or anything haha. I ended up taking a break and found myself rather busy doing some local art fairs and Comic Con. It was pretty fun and overall I had a great experience for doing my first art tables. I was actually very surprised how well my work went over with people. So I'm going to try to do them more often when I can.

Anyway, doll updates cause that's what you're mainly here for~ 

Recently as some of you are aware I've been selling off some dolls, clothing and whatnot to organize my collection. Some people were surprised but after a long time of struggling creatively with my character Myth (Minifee Chloe/Vampire Elf) I felt it was best to move her own on. It's bittersweet but I'm happy she's found a new home with someone who's getting their grail doll. That alone makes me super happy and I trust she will be well loved.

I also made the decision to re-shell one of my favorite dolls, Folklore. She too went up for sale and will be going to her new home soon. There are still a few things I have listed on Den of Angels and Instagram. I also decided to put my Azone Koron doll for sale since I sadly don't do enough for her or buy her much at all. So I hope she gets adopted soon as well~

So with all of that out of the way...

I'm excited to announce that I’ve officially placed my order for a F60 Celine in tan skin! I ordered her through DDE on layaway since I’ve always had a great experience with them. Folklore is taking me on yet another creative journey~ And without a doubt she was the big game changer for me creatively next to Yokai. 

I adored her in her small form with all my heart, but since the F60 Celine released I’ve always ignored my thoughts of turning her into an SD. Already I feel excited for when she returns and I have good feelings about it~ Also I pre-ordered her these gorgeous OscarDoll eyes. I couldn't resist them as I felt they screamed Folklore.

If anyone is still out there following this, thanks for sticking around! I can't promise anything, but I'll try to update this blog more often if I have anything to share.

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