A collection of my BJD stories and project adventures

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Yokai's Short Stories I - The Tanuki

Disclaimer: Yokai's stories include strong language, violence, and mature content. This particular short story is mild in my honest opinion, but does have a section of strong language. So this is my warning to you in advanced that some future stories involving Yokai will contain mature content. 

The Tanuki

The sun blazed on the back of Yokai’s head as she carelessly followed behind her father. It was summer and the air was thick. Yokai wasn't pleased to be led through the tall grass that she had to smack out of the way as they cleared a path. It was her first time visiting in her father’s world and she wasn’t impressed. However she didn't see him often since she lived in the human world with her mother. They continued to walk for what felt like an eternity to Yokai. Her father didn't give much attention to his tiny daughter’s grumbling. When they finally reached a small village, Yokai couldn’t believe her eyes. There were all kinds of demons and spirits she had only heard of in stories. There were so many strange smells and sights everywhere! Her father quickly turned to her and said sternly for Yokai to not wonder off too far and to stay out of trouble. She leaned against a bunch of old abandoned crates as she watched him swiftly walk inside of a strange looking shop. 

A group of demon children spotted Yokai and had been watching her for some time. She had noticed  them too. They huddled together snickering and occasionally starring at her. Whenever Yokai's eyes met with the group of kids she would quickly turn away to pretend she didn't see them starring at her. She didn't want to attract any unwanted attention. A loud mouth raccoon dog who appeared to be their leader kept pointing at Yokai until eventually he and group of kids started walking towards her. "Oh great..." Yokai mumbled to herself. The raccoon dog was bigger then some of the other kids. Yokai thought to herself how ugly and fat he was. 

When he approached he rudely stuck out his nose sniffing in Yokai’s face. "You don’t smell or really look like a demon…what are you?!" The tanuki kid yapped at her. Yokai’s eyes glared as she clenched her fist tight. She didn't want to answer the annoying raccoon dog. Then he rudely spat again, "I bet you’re a filthy half breed!" Yokai said nothing once again trying to not make eye contact  with him and wishing her father would hurry back from his errands. 

The raccoon dog snarled as other demon children snickered and hiss. “How disgusting…your father didn't want fuck his own kind? he snapped. "I guess it was easier to fuck a human whore since I hear they go around spreading their legs!” he sneered. The other kids laughed again, louder this time. Yokai then quickly grabbed him by the neck throwing the weight of her body onto him as they both crashed into the ground. She began to shake him violently and digging her claws into his stumpy neck. The group of children's snarky laughter quickly turned to gasps and screams. Yokai’s rage burned bright as she pounded her fist into the his skull. 

Blood began to spread over the raccoon's face and Yokai’s fist as he screamed for for mercy. With each pounding blow she felt heaviness and pain spread through out her knuckles. The tanuki was shaking in fear and begging for her to please stop. Now all of the ruckus had begun to make some of the nearby elder spirits and demons stare at Yokai. She barked “What shall I do with you first? Rip your jaw clean off your face?!” She grabbed his muzzle and began to yank his mouth open. “Or I could slowly pull out each of your teeth! One at a time?!” "Or maybe I should chop for fucking balls off you for calling my mother a whore!!!” The raccoon let out another shrill scream and Yokai screamed right back at him with all her rage. She dug her claws deeper into his neck and became choking him. He was struggling to breath now and his face was starting to lose color. 

Hot tears rolled her face as blood danced a crossed her first like ink. Her rage burn so hot inside her chest she thought her heart would explode. She couldn't stop. She wouldn't stop. Yokai close her eyes tightly with tears still flowing and the heat of the sun burning into her robes. "He’s going to fucking pay!" she thought to herself as she felt herself drifting into numbness. Then suddenly she felt a large hand grab her by the collar and yanking her off the screaming dog. "Kira, that's enough!” a stern yet calm voice bellowed. It was her father. He shot her a look of great disappointment while he went to help the whimpering Tanuki. After things settled down her father made the two apologize as he cleaned the blood of their tiny faces. When the raccoon dog seemed calm enough they walked him home and apologized to his parents for the incident. 

On the way back home, her father didn't make eye contact or speak to Yokai. She carefully walked in his shadow in complete silence for what felt like ages. Then finally he spoke. "Your mother will not be happy about this, Kira...You have to learn how to control your rage and when to pick certain battles. Not every fight is won by beating your enemy to death…even in our world." Yokai shouted “He insulted mother! He insulted you!” He took a deep sighed and kneeled down to her height “I know...they say many things about your mother and I. It certainly won't be the last time either, but you cannot let it upset you. I'm sorry our choice has burdened you..." there was some sadness in her father's voice before he spoke again. "But I'm very proud to have you as my daughter. Your mother and I would be devastated if we lost you!" He then carefully but firmly held her tiny hands.

He continued..."You cannot fight with blind rage, even when it's necessary to strike down your enemies. You’ll never survive running off emotion alone. You must be careful with each move you make. Also you must learn to control your thirst for blood and the rage I saw in your eyes today...” Yokai eyes filled with tears again “But what he said isn’t true!” Her father couldn't help but smile. "Of course it isn’t true. Your mother is the most honorable woman I know. We both know that, and it’s all that matters. Beside why would you listen to that grubby little Tanuki, eh? All they are is tricksters and cheats…they're harmless! But...you did beat the living shit out of him though. I will give you that.” he laughed. Her father ruffled her hair and they both smiled at one another. He scooped her up into his arms and gave her a piggyback ride on the rest of their way home. 

Hope you enjoyed! I'm not sure when I'll post the next one, but it will likely be about her mother. 

All of Yokai's stories are sort of like flashbacks, so they're not chronological. Perhaps I'll write a summery of her backstory so there is a general idea about her world when I share her short stories.

4 comments on "Yokai's Short Stories I - The Tanuki"
  1. Loved reading it and I really want to know what her parents look like ^_^

    1. Thanks so much for reading! <3 Ahh, that would be interesting. I actually haven't given her parent's appearance too much thought but it would be interesting to possibly explore. :)

  2. This is so very interesting!! Loved reading it, and I'm a fan of your writing. I do hope you keep publishing this stories!

    1. Thank you so much! I do plan on sharing more when I'm able to write the next short stories ^_^


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