A collection of my BJD stories and project adventures

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Character & Backstory Changes

Forgive me for neglecting this blog! I've been meaning to post some photos I've taken since Rune and Folklore have both arrived back from getting face ups. I tend to update my Instagram a lot more since it's so quick, but I will be sharing some photos and trying to be better about posting to this blog.

Since I’ve had a little downtime to enjoy my dolls a bit more and think about them, I’ve been wondering how their backstories might begin to take shape since I’ve made some changes to my group. Some dolls have moved onto new homes and some re-shelled. Since taking the leap to upgrade Folklore to a larger scale I knew that it might change my story involving her with Fable and Rune. But that story was missing a lot pieces that I couldn’t seem to fit together. I wanted to have these college students juggling adulthood and discovering their magical abilities. I also wanted this greater and more powerful presence looming over them in the background. But for whatever reason I struggled to connect everything together...

Getting Folklore made me change how I approach my dolls. So I’ve been on this long and slow journey of overhauling Fable and Rune to more to have more depth. That led to moving on Myth who is still apart of the story, but no long in doll form at the moment. I don't want to rule her out returning in doll form, but for now she is only mentioned in the story. I think depending on how I change and write her in will very much depend on her returning as a doll someday.

So with all of that being said, I’m playing with the idea that when Folklore often wanders into the woods she’s actually going off to a secret magical realm. I imagine this place to be quite massive with deep lush forests, grand open fields, towering mountains, and islands surrounded by bodies of water. The realm could be filled with many creatures, places, and people of all sizes. There is so much potential with the direction of this story and more possibilities of what actual might exist in this place. 

I haven’t decided if magic exists outside of the realm or not, but within that magical realm Folklore has the powers to manipulate nature, speak to animals, and transform her pet fox double in size. It’s there that she befriends two wandering twin sprits, Fable and Rune. The twins having their own abilities to shape shift into their spirited animals, a wolf (Fable) and a owl (Rune).  

Quick Ability Rundown:

 Fable - Telepathic, Dream Manipulation, Oneiromancy, True-Self Recognition, Shape Shifter

 Rune -  Telepathic, Dream Cognition, Levitation, Enhanced Intelligence, Shape Shifter

 Folklore - Nature Manipulation, Telepathic with animals, Healing, Light Embodiment

 Rowan - Telepathic, Transforms her own size from regular fox to larger scale (ex: the height of a large male elephant)

Side Note: I’m considering the idea that Yokai might also exists in this realm as well, but lives in a wilder and more dangerous area. Which could be completely on another side of the map compared to wear Fable and Rune live for example. I still want Yokai to have her own story since she’s such a strong character to me. The best way I can describe her story is Kill Bill meets Princess Mononko/Spirited Away, but like a adult version if the spirits and demons in the Bath House were way more violent and blood thirsty. Yokai’s world also has it’s own type of government with very corrupt politics. There is also hierarchy of classes with both the human and spirits/demons side. And I also would want Yokai to remain a half-breed with is look down heavily where she’s from. Placing Yokai in the same story definitely opens up her character and possibilities. And since she's a master slayer of demons in her land and a merchant, there would be an endless amount of places she could explore. 

However, that does leave Chimera and Muse who I’m not sure if they’re involved in this realm or not. I don't want to lump all of my dolls into one world but it wouldn't be a bad thing either. I can see Chimera's story working and possibly explaining if I do include her in Folklore's realm. Muse is a different story because I’m still developing her character and backstory. So far everything I know about her is that she's a witch and practices white magic. I'm hoping over the holidays I can really flesh out her character. I've been so busy with prepping for art fairs and conventions that it's been hard to properly give her a backstory or get to know who her character might be. But I have been enjoying her presence and still find myself in awe of her. 

If you read all of this then major kudos to you! ♡
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