A collection of my BJD stories and project adventures

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Late November & December Updates

A run down of updates from late November and December. 

✩ Folklore returned from getting a face-up with AngelToast! ◦°˚\(*❛‿❛)/˚°◦

✩ I found on the secondhand market the Kogumaza set by Wimkut/FoxyBrowny in SD size.
  It's one of my absolute favorite sets by Wimkut and I'm so happy Folklore can wear it again~

✩ Also I caught Wimkut's holiday sale and grabbed a few things for my Minifees and SDs. 
  One of them being another dress that Folklore use to wear.

✩ Folklore got spoiled again with a dress from Kalcia's Workshop that I ordered last month.

✩ I grabbed January face-up slot with AngelToast for Fable and shipped her off last weekend. 

✩ Pre-ordered new eyes for Fable from Oscar Doll. 
 These are pretty much a more shimmer upgrade to her old lavender Dollflower eyes, haha.

I was going to go with a different color all together or a different shade of purple, but I really love lavender eyes on Fable. I think it's just her color. Mid October I tried new medium purple eyes on her from Oscar Doll and while they were gorgeous on her. I didn't "love" them as much as I had hoped. So I'm crossing my fingers that these gems will work and also suit her new face up.

✩ Started working on a new needle felt version of Rowan the fox for Folklore. I'm spending more time this round building up a more solid base. My first attempt was very loose and I found it difficult to visualize certain shapes. I also had to take apart and rebuild her a lot and it became a bit of a mess. So this time I want to build up her foundation so it's very clear she's a fox. I've been casually studying other needle felter's work and many of them for such large scale sculpts spend a lot of time building up the form. So I'm hoping this approach will help me. Adding the color is the final step and I don't want to be rebuilding at that point like I did last time.

✩ I've sold several things to help recycle some money back into the hobby.
  My Azone doll is still looking for a home so hopefully she'll find one soon.

✩ I started an alpaca wig last weekend for Folklore. 
  I'm currently waiting for it to finish drying and then I can cut and style it. 

✩ I ordered two new pairs shoes for my Minifees from eBay. I love these so much!
  Not only are they gorgeous and fit perfectly, but they're very affordable.

Looking back I'm surprised at how much has happened doll wise these past few weeks. I've been doing a little more spending then usual, but mainly due to all of the Christmas sales. I also wasn't expecting to have Fable repainted anytime soon since her face up was still gorgeous. But it was clear to me she needed a new look especially after seeing her with with Rune for a little bit. I feel like I have a better sense of her character now, so I hope the makeover is her best one yet! I'm switching up her color palette a bit too, so that will be refreshing~ I also have plans to wash and restring her body. And I'd like to work on redoing her tattoos. I'm considering a brush on method with non-toxic sealant, but I haven't done it before so I'm not sure how the results will look. So we'll have to see! 

I'm excited for 2018 doll wise as it's been such a long and tedious process. I'm hoping with Fable being the last doll to get a make over that I can enjoy the more creative aspects of them rather then buying new resin. I've been chasing that goal for a year or so now and I feel that I'm almost there. I would like to try to go a whole year of not buying a doll which I'm sure will be challenging. 

I think that's about it for my updates. I'm going to try to take some more photos before Christmas, but if not I do want to wish you all a safe and happy holiday season! 🎄⛄

P.S - I'm going to be working on some character profiles for my dolls since I've made changes to their overall story. 

(I hope you guys don't mind me sharing some of the recent purchases for my dolls. I'm in no way try to brag or anything like that. I write this blog for myself as it's a good way for me to see what I've purchased or crafted for my dolls. As well as my goals for the hobby.)
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