A collection of my BJD stories and project adventures

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Meet Rune!

She's finally here! Meet Rune, Fable's twin sister~ She arrived early on Friday, but I was very busy with work, so I had to wait until later at night to open her. I'm glad I did because it was nice to take a moment to be quiet and enjoy some dolls.

She's a Minifee Luka from Fairyland. I got her secondhand through my friend PurinDoll and she came with a gorgeous face-up by Nomyens. I would like to get her repainted in the future or dive into doing it myself. But for now it works and I'm happy she fits in naturally with my other dolls.

(a few Instagram pics from her box opening)

Of course I had to get proper photos of her the next day since I finally had some free time! I'm totally smitten with her. She just feels so natural and I can totally see her character in my mind. There was still some lingering thoughts if I had made the right choice and I totally did! 

I don't have too much else to say, but I will share what I wrote about her character so far down below from Instagram/Flickr.

Style - Soft Bohemian, Chic. More feminine then Fable, but sometimes a bit grungy/edgy

Totem/Spirit Animal - Barn Owl

Powers - Telepathic, Levitation, Dream Manipulation (Can observe Fable’s dreams. Possibly able to manipulate them later on.)

Personality - Free Spirit, Intelligent, Excels in Academics naturally 
(powers enhance her IQ even further). It's also unknown if she has the power to transform into her barn owl spirit animal. Could possibly learn the ability from Fable...

At the early stages of discovering her powers she has moments where she looses control over them. She turns to partying and drugs to drown/numb her mind because she’s absorbing information at high speeds. This often leads to migraines, lack of sleep, and sometimes make her belittle other's intelligence out of frustration. 

She also enjoys adventures and more outgoing then her sister. She often blows off attending classes which only gets worse when her powers start to manifest. 

While her and Fable have a very strong relationship they often clash being sisters. Fable gets fed up with her when she blows off classes or thinks she can do whatever she wants with no consequence.
1 comment on "Meet Rune!"
  1. Congrats on getting Rune, she is gorgeous!! I saw your photo of her next to Fable and they look amazing. What you shared so far seems interesting and I can't wait to read more!


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