A collection of my BJD stories and project adventures

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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Special Gifts from K.

Earlier this week I received the most beautiful and generous package from my friend Komorebi (on Flickr). She messaged me asking if she could send something for Chimera since she recently has been changing up her doll collection. I'm generally bad at accepting gifts or any type of compliment, but she insisted it wasn't any trouble so I said yes.

Her package was waiting for me after I arrived home after a long crazy day and I was in complete awe...

(I think Chimera was surprised too...)

Some Updates!

Since last weekend I have been nonstop busy between life, work, and sorting out my dolls. I didn't make my life easier (as usual) by selling things while in the middle of running about like a headless chicken...But luckily all my sales so far have been successful, including my Unoa Lusis. She will be here until November since she's on a layaway. And she's all freshly clean, restrung, and patiently waiting in her box to travel to her new home. I still cannot believe how quickly she went, but I'm thrilled she's going to a really sweet person. :) Thank you again to everyone who gave me support through this process. New ideas are slowly brewing when I have a moment to daydream and that makes me very excited to move forward!

Unfortunately this week I didn't have extra time in the evenings like I originally planned to work on Rowan (my giant felted fox). Though I did get in her new eyes I ordered about 2 weeks ago, so that's pretty exciting! These look way better compared to the first ones I ordered from a different shop. They also arrived much faster which is a relief, because I'd really like to get her finish before October (aka Inktober).

(1st and 2nd row are new eyes (so pretty!) 3rd row are first pairs I ordered aka no depth!)
Saturday, August 20, 2016

Reimi 2.0 & Fable Inspiration Board

(Images from pulled from Pinterest. I do not own these.)
A few images I've pulled from Pinterest related to Reimi 2.0 and her relationship with Fable. Some of these represent Fable and in her "dream state" in image #4. 

Playing with the idea of Reimi being the anchor to Fable's wild dreams. Perhaps with levitation and telepathic powers to see into Fable's dreams...A lot of rough ideas at the moment. I'm also considering making Reimi's personality a little more mature, though still having a few similar traits like being more carefree compared then her moody sister.

It's been a long time coming, but I've come back to the hobby with some clarity about my dolls. I realized that I've tried to make my Unoa Lusis work over a long period of time and it's caused stagnation for me in the hobby. I'm also not in the position to have her sit around and be pretty. Especially when I'm not even enjoying her to myself privately. It simply boils down to my character Reimi has outgrown her Unoa shell. So with that said and a lot of thought, I have decided to move my Unoa Lusis on and hopefully she'll find a good home. I'll be posting her sales sometime during the week on Den of Angels once I've gathered everything and gotten her together.

It's bittersweet with her being my first doll and first grail, but I enjoyed my time with her.  But I'm also very excited for the new direction and what story and character developments will unfold!
Thursday, August 11, 2016

Bohemian Punk

Ventured out into the blazing heat to have a mini photo session with my old girl Fable. She's been with me for many years and still never fails to amaze me. I also wanted to try out some different style of editing then usual, a little more dramatic. Also I wanted to thank everyone that has been checking out my blog! I will be slowly adding more about my characters and some of my current projects.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Short Stories: The Gift

Like most days Folklore found herself needing to escape into the woods away from her dull projects. She was daydreaming as usually which lead her to wander quite far before realizing she should probably head back to campus. She called her fox Rowan to head back, but Rowan ignored her quickly darting off down a side steep path. Slightly annoyed Folklore followed behind her calling once more. She found Rowan acting frantic over a puddle of fresh blood. Rowan darted off once again. Alarmed by the sight Folklore hesitated for a moment debating if she should run for help but then quickly ran off behind Rowan down the steep path afraid of loosing her. The fox became an orange blur as Folklore practically stumbled down the hill trying to keep up. The path became more bloody the further they went…

Ahead she saw Rowan had stopped and Folklore slowed herself down by slamming half of her body against a tree. She gasped for air as her lungs and chest burned. Looking down she saw how muddy her shoes had become and once again saw droplets of crimson staining the ground. Folklore slowly looked up to find an usual sight. A magnificent and very large doe. Twice the size of a normal deer. She was a stunning creature. However she laid still severely wounded and whispering her dying song…

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